Servicing Australia and New Zealand

Contact Locations 03 9801 1622

Road Preservation

Road Preservation

Roads built to last.


Tired of constantly patching up your road network, only to have potholes and other disruptions pop up time and time again?


Imagine smooth, pothole-free roads that are a pleasure to drive on, minus the constant disruptions, complaints from residents and budget concerns from major repair projects.


Your road spaces deserve a quality service with products that deliver long-lasting results, making your public spaces look their best for years to come.

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Why Choose SuperSealing?


At SuperSealing, our goal is to provide you with the highest quality road maintenance services available. That’s why we’re committed to helping your whole network perform at its absolute peak over a 40-year lifecycle. How you maintain your roads is important – that’s why our teams work with you to identify issues and implement the most efficient, cost-effective solution.


We don’t just do repairs. Our services proactively prevent damage, keeping your roads in top condition and freeing your time and budget for where they’re truly needed.



Expert Planning Tailored to Your Roads

Our road surfacing service starts by providing you with the clarity you need to understand exactly what services we offer and how they can benefit your road network. Our team of pavement experts are trained to identify and prioritise the most pressing issues facing your roads, and we work with you to develop a customised maintenance plan that addresses these issues head on.


Future-Proofing Your Network

Our services go far beyond repairs and quick patch jobs. By focusing on preventative maintenance, we can help you avoid the constant cycle of roadworks and repairs that can lead to a downward spiral in road performance. 


Industry-leading products

By using the best products and techniques available, we can help your roads last longer, improve safety, and massively reduce the lifetime costs of your road network. Our road surfacing products are specially made to make your community safer and more sustainable, without eating into your budget.



As specialists in asphalt and surfacing, we only use high-quality GuardTop and CoolRoads sealcoat products.


GuardTop & CoolRoads sealants are recognised as the preferred choice within the sealing and surfacing industry, offering:

  • Incredible durability across a wide range of weather conditions.
  • Consistency in quality and durability.
  • Long-lasting colour.
  • Use of sustainable, environmentally friendly materials.


You can find out more about GuardTop here.

More info on CoolRoads can be found here.

Our Road Preservation Services



We also use a combination of skilled local operators and world-class equipment to ensure application is consistent and premium across every project.



Our scope of work includes:

  • Road maintenance

  • Footpath resurfacing

  • Residential street resurfacing

  • Carpark resurfacing

  • Pavements and pathways


Environmental contribution

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Recycled Materials

All our products incorporate recycled materials, free from hazardous and carcinogenic chemicals, and is reusable for recycled asphalt in the future.

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Smooth roads reduce fuel consumption

4.5% less fuel is consumed by vehicles driving on smooth asphalt surfaces

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Reduce Virgin Materials

By effectively maintaining existing roads, major reconstruction works can be delayed by a decade or more.

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Reducing temperatures

Our range of CoolRoads products reduce surface temperatures, minimising the heat island effect.

Want to learn more?

If this sounds like the kind of road network you need for your community, take the next step and contact us today.

We look forward to hearing about your next project! Complete the form and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your project in more detail.


Or call us on 03 9801 1622